Pyramid Publishing sells and distribute Middle East books to clients worldwide. With a strong emphasis in Emirati culture and heritage books, we try to give you the best selection of books for all audiences, from children to academic.
We love rare books and facsimil editions, so we have a great catalogue of books about Middle East and many other subjects!! Please contact us to make an appointment or to get additional information. A large proportion of our customers is made up of institutions, among them renowned international universities and major state libraries. A small selection of libraries and archives regularly served by us can be gathered from our press archives. We keep contact with private customers especially at international book fairs and through our online catalogues.
We also have a strong presence in bookfairs such as Abu Dhabi Book fair and Sharjah Book fair, where you can find us and buy the last offers.
We also publish some facsimil editions and our own collection of children books.
We have a great team of translators from arab to any other language, including Spanish, French, Russian, Portuguese, English or Italian.